
Strong oral hygiene practices are ingrained in all dental patients from a young age. Beyond simply keeping your gums and enamel in its best possible shape, these habits also support a glowing smile. Here’s how your dental hygiene routine contributes to a healthy grin.

Why Is Strong Oral Hygiene Essential to Your Smile?

Your mouth is home to billions of bacteria, some of which can cause harm if left unaddressed. For instance, certain bacteria contribute to tooth decay, while others lead to gingivitis. Left without treatment, gingivitis can progress into a more serious gum disease, periodontitis.

In terms of affecting your smile’s appearance, tooth decay can cause cavities and unsightly dark spots, while gum disease can cause gum recession. In this condition, gums pull away from the teeth, and deep, bacteria-filled pockets form along the gum line.

These harmful bacteria form simply because of eating food. When foods such as starches break down, they produce acids and dental plaque. Fortunately, proper dental hygiene eradicates these harmful agents before they cause damage.

What Are Some Oral Hygiene Tactics to Follow?

oral hygiene Rhinelander WIBrushing and flossing are the gold standards of dental hygiene. Ideally, you should be brushing after each meal to eliminate any food particles, which would otherwise linger and allow bacteria to develop.

You should also aim to floss once per day to clean in between teeth. Bacteria can get trapped in these crevices, leading to gum disease and decay.

Finally, visit a dentist’s office every six months for routine cleanings. Even when you follow routine dental care, hard, cavity-causing tartar can still develop on the teeth. Only hygienists have the tools and skills needed to rid the enamel of this stubborn substance.


If you’re due for a dental cleaning, turn to Timber Drive Dental in Rhinelander, WI for your next appointment. Their team offers comprehensive care, including general oral hygiene as well as specialty services, to give patients a robust approach to overall dental care. Having served the Northwoods for more than two decades, their dedicated team takes a patient-oriented approach to dentistry. To schedule an appointment, call (715) 365-1800.
