
Divorce is often associated with complicated and drawn-out court trials. However, if you’re looking to end a marriage more peacefully, you and your ex-spouse may benefit from divorce mediation. With this approach, you use a neutral third-party mediator—such as an attorney—to negotiate a mutually agreed settlement. Here’s more about the advantages of this process.

Why You Should Consider Divorce Mediation

1. Saves Time

When ex-spouses can’t agree on the terms of their settlement, they may end up being involved in court trials that take months or longer to resolve. While the time required for mediation will depend on the individual needs of the couple, the process is often conducted at a much quicker pace since complex legal actions are avoided.  

2. Minimizes Tension  

In a divorce trial, matters will be argued between each party’s attorney and presented before a judge. This approach establishes the process as a conflict that each ex-spouse is trying to win. 

divorce mediationBy contrast, mediation allows each party to express their concerns and wishes while using communication strategies that prevent conflict. In addition to making the divorce less stressful, these strategies can help ex-couples develop balanced communication skills for future interactions, such as sharing child custody.

3. Maintains Decision-Making Power  

During a court divorce, the final settlement decisions will be made by the judge. With divorce mediation, it’s just the spouses and the mediator discussing matters.

As such, both parties will maintain their ability to make decisions. Keep in mind, however, that if you can’t agree on certain matters—such as alimony or child custody decisions—the issue can still be argued in a court setting.

4. Protects Privacy  

When divorce trials happen in court, the proceedings will be recorded and available to the public for future reference. As an alternative, those wishing to keep these matters private and out of public record can mediate the settlement confidentially.


If your marriage is coming to an end, the attorneys at Traystman & Coric LLC in New London County, CT, can help you minimize the difficulties of divorce with their personalized legal support. This firm offers divorce mediation to help couples discover agreeable solutions in a low-conflict environment. If mediation is not an option, this firm can also provide you with reliable representation in a contested divorce trial. To learn more about their capabilities, visit them online. Call (860) 442-8758 to schedule a convenient consultation.
