
When it comes to equipment rentals, many people don’t consider a forklift as a viable option for residential or personal use. However, forklifts have many benefits and can be useful for large businesses, small contractors, and homeowners alike. Below are four benefits of forklifts. 

What Are the Benefits of Forklifts?

1. Safety

Forklifts are designed to pick up very heavy objects or loads and move them around while protecting the driver. The alternative to a forklift is to either attempt to lift these objects or use a series of ropes and pulleys, which can put workers at a high risk of injury. As long as the area around the forklift is clear, even if something were to fall no one would get hurt. 

2. Ease 

A forklift only takes one person to operate, so it is a great tool for teams of all sizes. Because of their size, forklifts are much easier to drive than many other equipment rentals as well. They can maneuver in many directions and fit into relatively small spaces. 

3. Load 

equipment rentalsEven though a forklift is smaller than some other heavy machinery, it has a high lifting and load capacity. Many forklifts can carry loads up to 35,000 pounds. Smaller ones may only be able to lift 3,000 pounds, so it will depend on the type you want to rent or buy. 

4. Variety

There are three different types of forklifts widely available and each has a unique purpose. Internal combustion forklifts are made to be used outdoors and can maneuver unsteady ground easily. Electric models are built for indoor use and will usually be operated by batteries, which are less expensive to use than gas or diesel. They are also much quieter than the previous model. Manual forklifts are not as versatile as internal combustion and electric ones, but they are cheaper and good for jobs that require objects to be moved around and not lifted in the air very high. 


If you’re looking for forklifts or other equipment rentals, turn to Expert Rentals in St. Peters, MO. This knowledgeable, reliable, and family-oriented team has over 50 years of industry experience and will help you find the perfect machine for your needs. Their customer service representatives will answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding the equipment. See their full stock online or call (636) 379-4933 to learn more. 
