
The fall season is officially underway, which means winter will be here before you know it. As a property owner, it’s crucial to take time before this transition to ensure your home is ready to handle the upcoming months of inclement weather. From contacting a residential roofing company to checking your stairs, the following guide will help you prepare for the months ahead. 

3 Steps to Take to Prep Your House for Winter

1. Address Roofing Damage

Once winter is in full swing, getting up on your roof to address issues like missing shingles, deteriorated sheathing, and leaks will be difficult – climbing onto a slick, icy roof poses a significant risk for injury. As such, it’s crucial to contact a residential roofing company for an inspection and any necessary repairs during the fall. This will ensure your family isn’t subjected to issues like mold growth, animal infestations, or heat transfer during winter. 

2. Trim Tree Limbs

residential roofingGenerally, arborists advise trimming tree branches that hang over your property to avoid the potential for accidents and damage.

However, the risk of a branch falling off onto your home increases significantly during the winter. This is because snow can pile up on the limbs. Over time, this increased weight may cause the branch to crack. To avoid structural damage, trim overhanging limbs. 

3. Inspect Your Steps & Railing

Between snow covering blemishes and ice making the surface slick, winter is the worst time to have damaged stairs or failing rails. Have a contractor inspect your steps for cracks, holes, or weakened concrete, and allow them to make any adjustments as needed. During this time, they should inspect the railing to ensure it provides adequate support when going up and down the stairs. 


If you need help getting your home ready for winter, turn to the team at Berger Construction Services in Medway, OH. The professionals at this company are proud to work with residents throughout Dayton, Cincinnati, and Columbus with a broad range of services, from residential roofing to demolition. Visit their website to learn more about their services, and call (937) 727-4515 to schedule an appointment.
