
Bruxism is a common condition—affecting 10% of adults and 15% of adolescents. With the high prevalence of this issue, family dentists have come up with a range of treatments to reduce the impacts of teeth grinding and help fight the habit altogether. If you’ve noticed your jaw feeling tense or sore when waking up in the morning, explore this condition further in the guide below.

What Causes Bruxism?

Feelings of stress can have many impacts on your physical health, ranging from high blood pressure to headaches. For those with bruxism, it manifests itself in the jaw—causing people to clench or bite down even in a seemingly relaxed state. For example, the jaw can remain stiff at night while you are sleeping. 

Beyond anxiety, bruxism might also be caused by an abnormal bite, sleep apnea, crooked teeth, or cigarette and alcohol use.

What Is It Problematic?

family dentistIn addition to jaw pain, untreated bruxism can lead to additional oral health problems. Regular teeth-grinding wears away your enamel, the protective outer layer of your teeth, which is responsible for shielding the sensitive dentin and pulp. This increases your risk of cavities. The shifting can also loosen your teeth in their sockets, allowing bacteria in along the gum line, which encourages gum disease. In addition, the pressure from the grinding can chip or fracture teeth. 

What Treatments Are Available?

Treatment for bruxism is typically two-fold. If your family dentist believes stress is the cause of your teeth grinding, they will typically recommend a mouth guard to wear at night to prevent the teeth from rubbing together. They may also encourage you to speak with your primary care physician about how to limit your stress. Some suggestions may include regular exercise to alleviate anxious feelings and enjoying relaxing activities like reading a book, playing a game, or watching your favorite show.

If the teeth-grinding is caused by sleep apnea, you may benefit from a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. If your issue is a crooked bite, an orthodontist can fit you with retainers. 


If you have symptoms of teeth-grinding, consult Blome Family Dentistry in Lincoln, NE. Led by family dentist Dr. Greg Blome, this team provides preventative, diagnostic, and restorative oral health care services. To learn more about their capabilities, visit them online. Call (402) 483-7000 to set an appointment.
