
Whether you’ve woken up in the middle of the night suddenly cold or your home has hot and cold spots, you may notice that your furnace isn’t functioning as well as it used to. There are many reasons this important appliance may be on its last legs. Below are a few common causes.

How to Tell Your Furnace Is Not Functioning Normally

1. Higher Than Normal Utility Bills

If you haven’t changed any of your habits regarding your furnace usage--such as not setting the temperature higher than normal--but your heating bill is outrageously high, it's a sign your system may be failing. A sharp increase in cost means your furnace isn’t running as efficiently as it used to. It’s using more fuel without actually heating the space effectively.

2. Pilot Light Changes Color

The pilot light should normally be a bright, vibrant blue flame. If it appears weak or flickering, gas isn’t being burned completely. A yellow flame could be a sign of leaking carbon monoxide, which is deadly in high doses.

If your pilot light is yellow and you smell rotten eggs, shut the appliance off completely and contact your HVAC contractor immediately. This smell indicates carbon monoxide leakage. The technician will either repair the component or replace it entirely if it's outdated. 

3. Cold or Dry Air

furnaceCold air can be caused by the blower fan malfunctioning or because the air filter is too dirty. Dry air may be caused by an undersized system that can’t run long enough to accommodate a large home.

If your furnace blows cold or dry air, it’s time to contact a professional to inspect it. For undersized units, it's best to upgrade to a new, bigger system. For cold air, the technician will clean the filters or upgrade the blower fan. 

4. Strange Noises

If you hear rattle, your furnace is likely cooling down and doesn't need attention. However, if the appliance is constantly screeching, it indicates a loose or old motor or fan belt. A loud clunk indicates a broken or cracked belt, while a boom accompanied by a burning smell could indicate a failing gas valve.

Rather than dealing with strange noises, call a professional to pinpoint the issue to salvage your system. They'll repair the component or order a new one to preserve your furnace.


If you suspect your furnace isn’t functioning as well as it used to, call Lakes Heating & Air Conditioning in Akron, OH. These professional technicians offer a wide range of services, including furnace repairs. With over 44 years of experience, they know how to restore HVAC units quickly. Call (330) 644-7811 or visit their website to learn more about their services.
