
Invisalign® is a way to straighten your teeth without using braces. Instead, clear aligners are used that can be removed from your mouth. Here are some tips for people interested in this treatment.

4 Tips for Using Invisalign

1. Don’t Forget to Wear Them

It’s recommended that you wear your aligners for 20-22 hours a day, but more time spent wearing them is better. This means that you can’t forget to put your aligners back in your mouth when you take them out to eat or to clean them. When you’re not wearing your Invisalign, keep them in their case so you don’t lose them.

2. Clean Them Correctly

Invisalign®Your Invisalign clear aligners can accumulate plaque and bacteria, which can lead to cavities, odors, discoloration, or poor dental hygiene. Clean them thoroughly each morning and night by brushing with a spare soft-bristled toothbrush. Just use water, as toothpaste can discolor the trays. You should also rinse them every time you remove them.

Soak your aligners every day, either in denture cleaner or cleaning crystals. They need to stay in the solution for at least 15 minutes to get them completely clean. Once they’re soaked, brush off any excess residue.

3. Keep Your Teeth Clean

Rinse your mouth with water every time you eat or drink, or brush your teeth if you’re able. Remember that you’re supposed to wear your aligners for 20-22 hours a day, so you might have to cut down on sugary drinks, coffee, or snacks. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and use a tongue scraper to get rid of excess bacteria.

4. Schedule Regular Appointments With a Dentist

Since your teeth will move while you wear your Invisalign, you’ll need to maintain regular appointments with your dentist. Areas of your teeth that have never been exposed will be prone to plaque and bacteria, and you may not be used to a new brushing routine yet. It’s imperative to go, as plaque can get trapped under your Invisalign and cause cavities if unchecked.


If you’re ready to try Invisalign aligners, contact Dental Wellness of Milford. Located in Milford, OH, Dr. Johnson and his expert team have been serving the community for over 40 years. They can walk you through the process of straightening your teeth using aligners and provide all of the other dental services you might need in one place. Visit their website or call (513) 575-9600 to set up your first appointment today.
