
Attractive nuisances are enticing objects on a property that pose a danger to children under the age of 18. In the unfortunate event of an accident, you can be held liable even if you were unaware a child was present. These nuisances can include a wide range of objects, so it is important to speak with an insurance professional to determine what they are and how to prevent problems.

What Are Attractive Nuisances?

Attractive nuisances are mostly man-made objects that require regular maintenance or upkeep. They include swimming pools, tree houses, wells, and broken gates. If these objects or structures don’t meet the standards of maintenance, you can be held lawfully responsible if an injury occurs. These standards may include installing or repairing a fence around a pool, sealing the top of an open well, or adhering to your state’s guidelines regarding safe heights for tree houses.

InsuranceThere are also some attractive nuisances that aren’t as obvious to homeowners. For example, a rooftop is an enticing part of a building that can be dangerous without the proper safeguards that prevent falls. Children may also gravitate toward animals on a property that can bite, such as a dog.

How to Prevent Issues

If a child becomes injured while trespassing on your property, you can still be punished by law. To help prevent injury, you must first keep children from getting too close to the animal, object, or structure. For example, keeping all pets in a secure, fenced-in area while they are outdoors can help prevent them from running free and potentially injuring children.

In the unfortunate case you are not able to prevent trespassing and an injury occurs, you must call for immediate medical assistance. While you will most likely be held liable for the treatment of the injury, insurance can help you overcome financial losses. An insurance professional can help to determine what kind of policy is right for you.


If you need an insurance policy for attractive nuisances or advice on how to make your property safer, contact Mountcastle Insurance in Lexington and Winston-Salem, NC. This experienced independent insurance agency provides a wide range of personal, business, and commercial insurance products. Their policies include coverage for your home, business, or belongings. For more information on getting started, visit their website. To speak with an insurance agent, call their Winston-Salem office at (336) 777-8500, or their Lexington office at (336) 249-4951.
