
Smoke and fire alarms are required in homes to keep residents safe. They protect people from a range of incidents, including those caused by cigarettes. If you’re a smoker, use this overview to keep your loved ones and property safe.

What Are the Risks Associated With Smoking Indoors?

Roughly one in 20 home fires is caused by smoking, making it a leading cause of fire. Smoking inside may also cause lingering odors and stains on your walls, decreasing the cleanliness and visual appeal of your living spaces.

Beyond the risk to your personal safety and property, smoking inside can also expose children and other members of the household to harmful chemicals. Secondhand smoking is linked to several health complications, such as asthma attacks, cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, and infant death syndrome.

How Can You Prevent Accidents?

Smoke outdoors to prevent the problems discussed above. After having a cigarette, extinguish the butt completely in an ashtray or sand bucket before heading inside.

Smoke and fire alarmWhether or not you smoke indoors, ensure your smoke and fire alarm system remains in working order. Test all units at least once a month using the test button and change the batteries as recommended by the manufacturer.

Refrain from smoking while seated on upholstered chairs, carpets, or beds because materials with fibers can easily catch fire. Also, don’t smoke after drinking heavily or taking any medications that cause drowsiness, as embers can ignite belongings while you sleep.


To enhance your home security system with state-of-the-art smoke and fire alarms, turn to Action Security & Communications. Located in Rochester, NY, this company has provided security and safety solutions to homeowners throughout Monroe County for over three decades. They also conduct certified fire alarm inspections to keep your equipment in top shape. Visit their website for more information on their customizable solutions, or call (800) 445-1410 to schedule a free consultation.
