
Although it’s best to work with a fertility clinic when trying to conceive, many women turn to the internet to educate themselves on the process. However, there are plenty of myths about getting pregnant. Use this guide to help you sort fact from fiction.

3 Common Misconceptions About Conceiving

1. You Can Get Pregnant at Any Time

There are two days you’re most fertile in a month: the day of and before ovulation. This window usually occurs 14 days before a period begins.

After this time, it’s impossible to get pregnant until your next cycle. Since many women don’t have regular periods, tracking yours on a calendar can help pinpoint the most fertile days of the month.

2. Getting Pregnant Is Impossible During Your Period

Fertility ClinicWhile your period indicates that you aren’t pregnant, you can still conceive during this time. Although it’s unlikely, pregnancy during menstruation is a possibility if your body differs from the typical 28-day cycle.

If a cycle happens between 21 and 24 days, ovulation may occur earlier. If ovulation aligns with a period, getting pregnant is possible after having unprotected intercourse.

3. Birth Control Causes Infertility

Birth control uses hormones to regulate your cycle. After stopping the hormones, it can take a while for your body to adjust. While you may experience irregular periods, your normal flow and fertility will eventually return. Every woman is different, so work with a fertility clinic to determine when your body’s regular cycles will come back.


If you want to know more about getting pregnant, turn to IVF HAWAII in Honolulu. This fertility clinic is led by Dr. Benton Chun, and it provides a variety of solutions to help women conceive. They use the latest technology to provide individualized care, ensuring the treatments are suited for your body. For more information about their services, visit them online or call (808) 538-6655.
