
Coffee is one of the most widely-consumed beverages in the world, marking the start of the day for millions of Americans. Unfortunately, as your dentist can tell you, overconsumption is a problem for your teeth, since the acid content strips away enamel and leaves unsightly stains. That doesn’t mean you have to give up your morning cup of joe, however. In this guide, you’ll find useful tips for maintaining good oral hygiene while enjoying your favorite drink.

How to Drink Coffee & Care for Your Teeth

1. Use a Straw

When you sip from a mug, the coffee comes into direct contact with your enamel, exposing it to tannic acid. By using a straw, you’ll get the full flavor of your drink while also bypassing your teeth. Regular plastic straws can be used with cold coffee. However, there are insulated, reusable versions available for hot drinks as well.

2. Brush Your Teeth

dentistThe best way to remove sugars and acid from the surface of your teeth is by thoroughly brushing and flossing. After drinking your coffee, have a few sips of water. Since acid can temporarily soften enamel, wait 30 minutes, then brush. Once this is done, wait another 30 minutes before having any more coffee.

3. Drink Water

Much of the staining and wear that occurs after drinking coffee results from residue settling on your teeth. Drink water between cups of coffee, or even between sips, to displace the acid and protect your oral health.

4. Schedule Teeth Whitening

If you have persistent and prominent staining on your teeth, get your teeth whitened by a professional. Avoid over-the-counter whiteners, as these will be less effective and may even damage your gums.

5. Visit Your Dentist Regularly

To protect your enamel and reduce staining, visit your dentist at least every six months. Professional deep cleaning will not only be more effective than normal brushing and flossing, but your dentist will be able to detect signs of gum disease or other oral health conditions early on. They can also advise you on what steps to take, if any, in fighting plaque, enamel damage, and cavities.


To protect your teeth and enjoy your coffee, follow the tips above and schedule your next dentist’s appointment with Cooper Family Dentistry in Gilbert, AZ. This leading dental practice offers compassionate, trustworthy dental care in a calm environment. To arrange an appointment, call (480) 964-1000. For further information about their services, visit them online. Read from some of their satisfied clients on Google.
