
While it might seem like dumpsters are all-purpose garbage receptacles, there are actually several restrictions on what can be safely disposed of and what a dumpster rental company will haul away. You should always discuss what you’re planning to throw out with your rental company,

What Items Can Be Put in a Dumpster?

Most kinds of household waste, construction junk, and remodeling debris can be thrown in a dumpster. You may be required to separate these according to local waste regulations.

Typically acceptable household waste includes furniture and mattresses, although not all landfills accept upholstered goods. Also accepted are electronics in limited quantities. Most landfills will accept appliances as long as any refrigerants and hazardous materials and components have been removed. Yard waste is widely accepted for disposal in dumpsters, but typically must be kept separate from other materials.

dumpstersWhether construction and remodeling debris is accepted depends on the type of material, quantities, and whether or not it’s mixed material. Waste that’s usually accepted includes masonry, such as brick, stone, or asphalt; roofing shingles; or drywall, wood, and siding. Other items are also accepted in certain locations, such as roofing underlayment or flashing or discarded cabinetry.

What Items Can’t Be Put in a Dumpster?

All hazardous materials and items are strictly prohibited for dumpster disposal. This includes anything that could be toxic or pose a safety hazard, such as wet paint, asbestos, lacquers, refrigerants like freon, or flammable substances like fuels and oils.

Other items that can’t be placed in a dumpster include sealed tanks, which can contain dangerous buildups of gases. Non-alkaline batteries must also be taken to a dedicated disposal site, since the acidic content in these can cause serious damage to local soil and water.

What Can Be Done With Items That Can’t Be Placed in a Dumpster?

Substances like used fuels or oils must be delivered to a qualified technician who can process them appropriately, while large amounts of e-waste can be recycled and you may be eligible for a tax benefit by doing so. Other items, such as clothing, old toys, or housewares, can also be donated or recycled. Cloth waste, for example, is valuable to paper manufacturers who can use it to produce durable cotton paper.

If you’re in doubt about whether an item or material can be thrown in a dumpster, consult with a waste management specialist or local disposal authority. These experts will be well-versed in local and state regulations and can help you avoid penalties and headaches from improperly disposed-of waste.


If you’re looking for rental dumpsters in the Greater Cleveland area, contact Chuck-It Containers. This local business has offered dumpster rentals to area residents and businesses since 2014. They simplify the process with affordable rates and quick delivery and removal by experienced technicians. Call (216) 441-3333 or visit them online for more information.