
As people age, their vision naturally tends to worsen. However, certain habits can accelerate vision loss. If you want to maintain your vision and avoid unnecessary eye doctor visits, refrain from these bad habits.

5 Activities That Are Bad for Your Vision

1. Being Inactive

Physically active people have a lower risk of developing conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. These health problems are linked to poor eye health and reduced vision.

2. Eating Poorly

If you want to avoid eye problems, eat a balanced and healthy diet that includes carrots, dark leafy greens, and fish. These foods have been shown to support eye health.  

3. Not Wearing Sunglasses

Too much exposure to the sun’s UV rays causes eye diseases like cataracts and eye cancer. To counteract this risk, wear sunglasses when spending time outdoors for extended periods. The most effective sunglasses are rated UV 400—they block 99–100% of UVA and UVB rays.

4. Staring at Digital Screens

Eye ExamsIf you work on a computer or spend long periods looking at your phone, take regular breaks. Constantly staring at these screens tires out your eyes. Screens also emit blue light that affects your eyesight.

To prevent eye strain, use the 20/20/20 rule. Take a 20-second break every 20 minutes to stare at an object 20 feet away.

5. Rubbing Your Eyes

Avoid touching or rubbing your eyes directly with your hands. Unclean hands can introduce bacteria into your eyes, causing infections. If your eyes are tired or irritated, use artificial tears prescribed by an eye doctor for relief instead.


To maintain your vision, get regular eye exams from Alexander Eye Associates & Optical. This locally owned and operated clinic provides premier eye care to Rochester, NY, residents of all ages. Learn more about their services online, or schedule an appointment with an eye doctor by calling (585) 325-3070.
