
Keeping thorough, organized files is essential for any business. Having multiple onsite and offsite backups will ensure your information is protected and easy to find in case of problems with your network or hardware. Here are some ways to store your company’s information so it’s always accessible.

On the Cloud

Cloud computing is practically essential for businesses today, especially small companies that don’t have private servers, which can be more expensive to purchase and maintain. Cloud storage is also scalable, so whether you have more employees or just an increase in data, you can easily upgrade. 

Workers can immediately upload information and move all essential data from their computers to the cloud. All workers with the appropriate credentials are then able to access this information whenever they need it. 

A daily backup will keep hardware from getting bogged down with too much data. It also prevents any sensitive documents from lingering on personal laptops, reducing the risk of data leaks if a device gets stolen or lost.

External Hard Drives

offsite backupAt least once a month, back up local and cloud data on hard drives. Solid-state drives (SSD) have become more affordable in recent years and can hold anywhere from 128 Gigabytes to four terabytes of digital information. 

Keep files and folders organized for easier access, and delete old information when necessary to save space. 

Moving all of your essential data to a drive and placing it in a secure location will ensure you have a handy copy of any files you need even without internet access to the cloud.



Improve the way your business stores and shares information by discussing backup solutions with BEL Network Integration & Support. This company has provided personalized IT consulting services to businesses around Chester, VA, for over 30 years. Their IT department provides 24/7 support and monitoring for offsite backups. Call (804) 796-2631 to get started, or visit their website to learn more about cloud solutions.
