
When creating the ideal work environment, you might be focused on providing advanced computers and a high-speed internet connection, creating compatible teams, and including perks like free snacks and comfortable break rooms. Many business owners and managers forget about the importance of routine air quality inspections. Airborne pollutants and allergens can infiltrate the office and affect your employees in the following ways. 

3 Ways Poor Air Quality Affects Your Team

1. Health Hazards

Poor air quality can lead to a variety of health concerns, ranging from allergy flareups and headaches to chronic conditions like cancer after prolonged exposure. The specific effects depend on what’s in the air.

It’s impossible to know exactly what your workers are breathing in without an air quality inspection, but common pollutants include dust, pollen, bacteria, and mold. If the office frequently uses copiers, printers, and cleaning products, chemicals can linger in the air and affect your health. 

Regardless of the specific pollutant, poor air quality often results in higher rates of absenteeism. Providing clean air will ensure that your employees show up to work more often. You won’t have to worry about transferring responsibilities or covering shifts if it’s easy to breathe in the workplace. 

2. Less Productivity

air quality inspectionsPoor air quality can lead to fatigue and mood swings, which affect the ability to focus and complete tasks. It can be challenging to concentrate when you feel uncomfortable, but improving air quality can result in a measurable improvement in work performance. People often think better when they’re surrounded by clean air, resulting in better ideas and innovative solutions.

3. Lower Employee Morale

When employees aren’t happy with their workplace, they’re less motivated to provide their best work. If they feel like the office isn’t taken care of, they’ll be less enthusiastic about their jobs. This can hurt the company’s brand and lead to high turnover.

Having an air quality inspection performed and taking steps to ensure clean air in the office will show your employees that you’re paying attention. This will improve employee morale and satisfaction.


If you’re concerned about the air in your office, turn to J.W. Smith & Company for an inspection. Serving Omaha, NE, this family-owned and -operated HVAC company will improve your air quality and keep the business comfortable throughout the year. To schedule service, call (402) 571-7590. To learn more about their services, visit them online.
