
When you rely on a septic tank to remove wastewater from your home, it can come as a shock when one of its components malfunctions. From overflowing toilets to clogged sinks, you must get to the root of the problem as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Here are three steps to take right away.

How to Handle a Malfunctioning Septic Tank

1. Clean and disinfect the Overflowing Area

When overflowing occurs due to a malfunctioning septic tank, there's a chance that raw sewage is present in your sinks or tubs. Exposure to this poses a serious health threat because it contains bacteria and other organisms that cause disease.

When you first notice a backup of raw sewage in your home, quickly block off the area. Depending on the amount backed up, the water can be removed using a pump or wet-dry vacuum. Any other debris should be placed in heavy-duty garbage bags and disposed of as soon as possible. Afterward, clean the area thoroughly with a disinfectant spray or detergent.

2. Inspect the Yard

septic tankYour septic drain field is meant to naturally absorb liquid from the septic tank. However, soggy patches signify that the water is not being absorbed adequately into the ground, either due to a clogged drain line or overusing water in your home. No matter the reason, calling a septic service as soon as possible is the best way to prevent complete system failure.

3. Check Water Levels

Seeing sewage at the top of the septic tank often means it's overfilled with wastewater. Since the waste is so close to the septic lid, you'll start to notice sewage smells outside your home or gurgling in the sinks or toilers if the problem isn't fixed right away.

Alternatively, if there's no water in the septic tank, you may be dealing with a clog in the piping between your home and the tank. Since this pipe is generally four inches in diameter, it can become clogged easily if items other than toilet paper are flushed down the toilet. In this case, contacting a septic service is the best option to prevent further damage.


If you’re currently dealing with a septic tank problem, contact Garrison Septic Service in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. With over 80 years of experience, this reliable company offers septic installation, cleaning, and maintenance to clients throughout Nekoosa, Stevens Point, Plover, Rome, and the surrounding communities. They can also perform soil testing to further determine your septic needs. For more information on their services, visit them online or call (715) 325-7282 today.
