
As the fall progresses, you may wonder when to rely on your central heating system. While autumn in the area is mild, heaters are still essential to your comfort in the late fall and winter. Use the guide below to stay cozy throughout the colder seasons. 

When to Activate Your Central Heating System 

In most cases, you should use the interior temperature of your home as a gauge. While some people are comfortable in lower temperatures, it’s recommended to keep your home between 65 and 70 degrees. When exterior temperatures drop to the point where your home interior is consistently below 65 degrees, it’s time to turn on the heat.

central heatingAt first, you might only need to use the heater at night to keep the house from cooling down when the temperatures drop. As the season wears on, you’ll eventually use the heater throughout the day. Experiment with different settings to see what's most comfortable for your family. Some people choose to set their thermostats low, often around 65 degrees, when they leave the house to save energy.

What to Do Before Turning On Your Heating System

Before turning on central heating for the season, check that the unit works properly. Start by testing the thermostat’s functionality by setting it to different temperatures to ensure it adjusts properly to changes and distributes air evenly.

Next, change the air filters to improve your indoor air quality. Repeat this step every one to three months to ensure proper airflow. If you have pets or allergies, do this every month to prevent allergic reactions.

Finally, schedule a professional tuneup. An HVAC technician will catch problems early on so that you don’t end up with an outage when you use the heater regularly. Preventive maintenance also ensures optimal performance, reducing utility bills throughout the season.


If you need an HVAC inspection, reach out to A-Team Services Heating and Air in Marietta, GA. For more than 20 years, they’ve helped homeowners with a variety of HVAC needs, including inspections and repairs. They’re also available 24/7 to assist with HVAC emergencies. Schedule an appointment by calling (770) 343-3507, or view their heating services online
