
An overbite is a misalignment of the jaw that causes the top teeth to protrude over the jaw. If left untreated, an overbite can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and a broad range of other serious dental issues. Fortunately, a skilled dentist can develop treatment plans to minimize the impact of this condition or correct it entirely. Here’s what you should know if your child is dealing with this issue.

What Are the Causes of Overbites?

Most overbites are caused by the natural shape of a person’s jaw, which may be too small or narrow to line up with the top teeth. This might leave too much room between the teeth or cause them to crowd together. Many children with overbites develop crooked teeth, which are more difficult to keep clean with brushing and flossing.

dentistInfants who suck their thumbs or use a bottle for too long may also develop an overbite. Losing your baby teeth too early and chronic nail biting can also be associated with a dental misalignment.

How Are Overbites Treated?

If your dentist diagnoses your child with an overbite, they may be able to correct the issue before the jaw finishes developing. In some cases, treatment may include braces to straighten teeth as they come in. In severe instances, they might preemptively remove baby teeth to make more room for a child’s adult teeth to grow in straight.

Unfortunately, if an overbite isn’t corrected in childhood, it may be much more difficult to fix later in life. For adults, the only viable solution is jaw surgery, which can be extremely uncomfortable and expensive. Dealing with your child’s overbite now can prevent these complications in the future.


If you’re concerned about your child’s overbite, Richmond Hill Family & Cosmetic Dentistry has offered friendly, fast service to patients and families throughout southeastern Georgia since 2008. They offer state-of-the-art treatments in a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere. Visit their website to learn more about their services, or call (912) 756-3880 to schedule a dentist appointment. 
