
While few people would name going to the dentist as one of their favorite activities, most grin and bear it to ensure their teeth and gums stay healthy and attractive. Unfortunately, up to 20% of Americans avoid visiting the dentist altogether due to significant anxiety and fear. For these people, IV sedation can be a useful aid, as it allows them to be deeply relaxed or fully asleep throughout their dental procedure. Here’s a closer look at the process and its benefits.

What Is IV Sedation?

Patients have three options when it comes to being sedated for a dental procedure. Oral sedation involves taking a medication such as triazolam or diazepam to put a patient at ease, while inhalation sedation uses nitrous oxide—often called laughing gas—to help patients relax. With both of these options, patients remain awake during the appointment.

IV sedation, on the other hand, promotes the most relaxed state, which may knock a patient out completely or prevent them from remembering the procedure. This type of sedation is administered intravenously by a trained professional and is typically reserved for especially invasive procedures or people with severe dental phobia.

How to Prepare for Sedation

Georgia IV sedationTogether with your dentist, you’ll discuss the pros and cons of this type of sedation to determine if it’s right for you. You’ll be told how to prepare, such as avoiding food after midnight on the day of your appointment. You’ll also need to arrange for a friend or family member to take you home from the appointment, as you’ll likely be too groggy to drive.

What to Expect During & After

During IV sedation, you’ll be hooked up to electronic sensors to measure vital signs, such as blood pressure, pulse, and blood oxygen levels. You may also be given a local anesthetic to manage pain in the treated area. Your sedative will be administered by an anesthesiologist, and once you’re fully sedated or asleep, the dentist will begin the procedure.

Once the procedure is over, you’ll gradually become alert. When you feel ready, you’ll be taken home by your friend or family member.


If you’re experiencing dental phobia, get in touch with Larry G. Hubbard, DDS, in Statesboro, GA. Since 1978, this dental office has helped patients throughout the Bullock County area feel comfortable in the dentist’s chair. They offer oral, inhalation, and IV sedation in a safe and calming environment. Visit the website to learn more and call (912) 764-9891 to schedule an appointment with a dentist today.
