
Landscapes may lie dormant in the cold months, but it’s still necessary to take steps to prepare them for winter. Otherwise, root systems can be damaged by frozen topsoil, winds can destroy important organisms, and trapped moisture can cause snow mold. A focus on proper preparation in the fall prevents damage and keeps landscapes healthy year-round. Here are a few ways to help your yard and garden survive harsh winter weather.

Tips for Winterizing Landscapes

1. Add a Mulch Barrier

Constant freezing and thawing are hard on roots. Protect them with a thick layer of good-quality mulch. Dry air and cold winter weather can damage nutrients in the topsoil. Cover it to reduce damage and keep rich dirt from blowing away.

Mulch also regulates moisture, slowly absorbing snow melt and distributing it evenly. Without this barrier, sudden thaws can cause flooding that drowns plants. Don’t use whole autumn leaves as mulch.

They trap moisture unevenly and cause more problems than they solve. Opt for a coarse textured material such as bark chips, pine needles, or straw. As an added benefit, the barrier will slow weed growth in the early spring. 

2. Protect Irrigation Systems

topsoilForgetting to winterize irrigation systems can hold landscapes back in spring. Avoid time-consuming and expensive repairs by blowing out water before the first hard freeze. In Missouri, this can be expected between mid-October and mid-November.

Hoses and drip systems should be drained and put away in a sheltered area. Exposure to extreme cold causes them to crack and become brittle. If the watering system includes above ground shut-off valves or pipes, wrap them with foam insulating tape or tubes. 

3. Remove Debris and Deadfall

Hauling out fallen leaves, dead plant material, and accumulated debris does more than keep the landscape looking trim and fresh. It also eliminates items that could harbor diseases or harmful insects. Excess leaves stacked with snow can cause grasses to mold.

Built up debris also inhibits healthy airflow around foliage, water absorption, and even the sunlight needed for photosynthesis. If removing debris breaks up the ground beneath, replace it with healthy cover. Landscaping rocks, mulch, or garden fabrics can all work to hold the soil in place when its stability is threatened by winter storms. 

When you’re ready to winterize your garden, contact River Bottom Topsoil in Moscow Mills, MO. They’ll provide mulch, landscaping rocks, and even lawn clearing services to ensure your yard withstands winter’s worst weather. And with delivery options for all their products, there’s no need to worry about how to haul your selected materials. Call them today at (636) 462-5331 to inquire about winterizing products, or visit them online to read more about their services.
