
Wear and tear in the home is normal, especially when it comes to your carpet. However, that doesn't mean you must resign yourself to worn and shabby flooring. There are plenty of steps you can take to extend your carpet's lifespan, including the following.

How Can You Make Your Carpet Last Longer?

1. Vacuum Consistently

For the best results, the entire carpet should be vacuumed at least once per week. Higher traffic areas, such as hallways, should be vacuumed twice or more a week, depending on how much action they see. This won't remove deep-set stains, but it can prevent dirt and grime from building up on carpet fibers and wearing them down.

2. Clean Stains Quickly

carpetMost stains can be remedied if you take swift action. When you leave liquids to linger on carpet fibers, they're easily absorbed into the material, making them much harder to remove. Clean stains with an appropriate carpet cleanser, such as white vinegar, and dab at the liquid rather than rubbing it to avoid making the stain worse.

3. Ban Shoes

Set up a station at the front entrance of your home with an area rug for catching dirt. Then, ask people entering to remove their shoes before making their way onto the carpet. You might be surprised at how this simple rule can increase your carpet's longevity while also making your home far more sanitary.

4. Schedule Professional Cleaning

Deep-cleaning your carpet removes set-in stains, odors, pollutants, and other contaminants. While the frequency with which you'll need this service will depend on a few factors, such as whether you have pets in the home, having your carpet cleaned every 12 to 18 months greatly improves its look while ensuring it remains intact for as long as possible.


No matter how much you care for your carpet, you’ll need a replacement at some point. In Holmen, WI, the team at Interior Designs can help you choose the best flooring for your home. They stock different types of carpeting from trusted brands, including different styles and fibers. Once you’ve made a selection, they also offer fast and efficient installation to minimize disruption to your home. Learn more about their installation process online, or call (608) 526-3386 to speak with a knowledgeable staff member about your needs.
