
Many adults opt for teeth whitening treatments, as various factors can cause teeth to lose some of their pearly shine over time. Even the natural aging process can make your teeth look less white. However, some preventable issues cause more significant staining, including the following.

What Can Stain Your Teeth?

1. Tooth Trauma

Even if a fall or accident doesn’t crack your tooth, a direct impact to your mouth can result in tooth trauma. In children, this may cause the tooth to turn yellow or brown, while in adults, a gray or black tint is more likely. Similarly, certain medications and procedures can also lead to staining. For example, antibiotics, antihistamines, and chemotherapy commonly stain teeth. Wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth during high-risk activities, including sports, and ask your dentist about the side effects of potential medications and treatments.

2. Pigment-Rich Food & Drinks

teeth whiteningWhen most people think of tooth staining, they think of food and drinks. Acidic, pigment-rich foods, including red wine, coffee, berries, and tomato sauce, eat away at enamel and stain your teeth. A high sugar diet also increases your risk for tooth stains because of excess enamel erosion. Reducing your intake of such foods and brushing after meals will help prevent stains.

3. Tobacco

Tobacco products cause a lot of harm to your mouth, including your teeth. Both cigarettes and chewing tobacco will cause teeth to develop brown stains that will get darker and darker over time. Quitting smoking will reduce your risk of cancer and allow you to reverse the staining process with teeth whitening.


If you need teeth whitening to restore your smile, contact Charles P. Debbane, DDS, and Laura M. Arnold, DDS. Serving the Hamilton, OH, area for over 20 years, these friendly dentists provide a wide range of care for all ages, from teeth whitening and Invisalign® to fillings and extractions. To learn more about their services or to schedule an appointment, visit them online and call (513) 887-6654.
