
Your body changes inside and out as you get older. The skin is the largest organ, and it’ll become vulnerable to age-related issues. Use this guide to find out which problems you may encounter and which skin care tips will combat them.

Common Skin Issues for Seniors

Many people in their golden years have dry skin, which is known medically as xerosis. This issue is the result of a natural decline in oil and sweat production. Symptoms of xerosis include tightness, itchiness, dryness, and dullness. In some areas, the skin may callus and crack.

skin careAnother more serious issue is melanoma. This strain of cancer can be identified by moles, which are darker than the rest of the skin and have uneven borders. These malignant moles are often found on areas of exposed skin but may also develop under the nails, in the mouth, or in the eyes.

Skin Care Tips

Do what you can to hydrate and protect your delicate skin. Opt for lukewarm showers under 10 minutes and avoid long, hot baths, which can dry the dermis further. Don’t use pumice stones and exfoliating loofahs when showering because they’ll scrub the skin harshly; instead, use your hands or a soft washcloth. Always apply lotion after bathing to lock in the moisture.

You should also use a sunscreen of 30 SPF or higher to shield your skin from harmful UV rays, reducing your risk of burns and melanoma. Don’t forget to reapply every two hours to ensure the formula’s effectiveness.


If you’re a senior who wants help with their skin care, turn to Kailua Dermatology Associates on Oahu, HI. These professionals will assess your lifestyle and skin condition to create a list of ways to safeguard yourself from xerosis and melanoma. View their services online, or call (808) 261-6133 to schedule an appointment.
