
There's plenty to love about Halloween—creative costumes, spooky stories, fun music, and delicious candy. However, the candy could lead to your child having a toothache if you're not careful. As you prepare to celebrate together, keep in mind some suggestions for making sure your child's teeth stay in good shape. 

4 Tips to Keep Your Child's Teeth Healthy During Halloween 

1. Prioritize Certain Candies 

Unless they're sugar-free, all candies represent a risk for cavities and toothaches because they contain sugar. Still, some candies are less harmful than others.

Cookies and miniature chocolate bars take only a few seconds to eat, so they're usually fine in small amounts. However, it's best to avoid hard, gummy, or sticky candies, like caramel, taffy, gummy bears, lawbreakers, or lollipops, because the sugar has more time to settle on the teeth before your child can finish them or brush off the residue. 

2. Consume in Moderation 

toothacheWhatever treats you keep around, remind your child that too much of anything is bad for their teeth, and candy is no exception. Make rules about how often candy can be eaten. For example, indulging in it after dinner is ideal because chewing increases saliva production, so it will be easier for your child to wash the sugar off their teeth. You could also keep the candy hidden and only offer a piece or two at a time as a reward after your child completes certain chores or tasks. 

3. Drink Water 

Like saliva, water is useful for keeping your child's mouth moist and washing food remnants down their throat so that sugar is less likely to get stuck to their teeth. Although sugary and acidic drinks like soda and fruit juice are popular around Halloween, encourage your child to drink more water. Get water fortified with fluoride, a mineral proven to strengthen teeth against cavities, toothaches, and other problems. If you don't have access to such water, ask your dentist about getting fluoride supplements. 

4. Practice Good Hygiene 

Brushing and flossing twice a day is important, no matter the time of year. While you have Halloween candy in the house, however, good oral hygiene is particularly important. Have your child brush their teeth after eating candy. For good measure, offer antibacterial mouthwash as well, and schedule professional teeth cleaning as soon as possible to resolve any problems before they become serious. 


If your child complains about a toothache after Halloween, bring them to Wheeler Family Dental in Chesterfield, MO. With their passion and expertise in general dentistry, they promise to keep your child's smile bright and healthy in a relaxing and friendly office environment. To learn more about their services, call them today at (314) 576-3737 or check out their website.
