
Workplace substance abuse affects all businesses, and can result in lost productivity, accidents, and employee absences. Among workplace drug testing studies, over 4.5% of Americans tested positive for illicit substances, such as marijuana or opiates. To ensure safety in the workplace, you should consider drug and alcohol training for your employees. Below is more information about these programs, as well as their benefits.

What Is Drug & Alcohol Education?

Drug and alcohol training programs assist employers and employees in maintaining a safe, substance-free workplace. The training courses cover alcohol abuse, the use of illicit drugs, and the misuse of prescription drugs. These programs will also help your staff learn the signs of addiction in their colleagues, as well as how to identify an employee who is working while under the influence.

The courses often utilize training videos, exercises, worksheets, and learning materials to help your staff engage with the curriculum. Further resources might also be available for your managers and human resources teams, including substance abuse counseling and training. This can include preventative training and procedures for pre-employment and ongoing drug testing.

What Are the Benefits?

drug testingSubstance abuse education is an excellent way for employers to support their managers and staff in learning to identify the signs of substance abuse in the workplace. This is because it is more effective to educate people on the potential dangers before an issue occurs, rather than stop an ongoing one.

You can provide valuable benefits for your staff by promoting substance abuse education and providing non-disciplinary access to counseling and treatment.  Proper education can also save you considerable money, as your employees will be absent less and you will not have a high level of job turnover.

Employees who avoid the use of drugs and alcohol are also more productive and provide improved performance, as well as experience fewer workplace accidents. Employers who invest in substance abuse treatment and employee education can exceed costs by a ratio of 12 to one.


For comprehensive substance abuse training programs, contact Artesia Drug & Alcohol Screening in Eddy County, NM. Their highly-skilled team provides valuable tools and resources for employers and staff, including educational programs, alcohol and drug testing, and assistance with developing policy and procedure manuals. Call (575) 746-3404 to schedule a consultation. Visit the website to learn more about their services. 
