
Modern plumbing systems and septic tanks are designed to withstand heavy use, but only human waste and toilet tissue should be flushed down a toilet. Anything else will increase the chances of a clog and the need for drain cleaning or septic pumping services. Be sure every family member, especially young children, knows what they can and cannot flush; the following are five items that should never be sent down a toilet drain.

What NOT to Flush Down a Toilet

1. Personal Care Products

Personal care products, even those items billed as flushable, cannot be effectively broken down by the water or the chemicals in your septic system. To prevent a septic pumping, never flush feminine hygiene items, condoms, dental floss, or any kinds of wipes other than traditional toilet paper. While paper towels and napkins may seem safe, they aren't; they're too thick to dissolve quickly in water and will often cause clogs and backups.

2. Food

Dispose of food in your garbage or compost pile. The water in your plumbing won't have time to break down the food, and you'll likely end up with a clog. This includes grease and cooking oils, which are denser than water and will coat the inside of pipes. If you flush enough grease or oil, you can almost count on blockages that require septic pumping.

3. Cat Litter

septic pumpingThe purpose of cat litter is to dehydrate waste products and make them more easily scoopable. So, if a person flushes litter-covered cat waste in the toilet, the waste is no longer water-soluble and cannot be broken down. Even litters that advertise themselves as flushable should be avoided. They all require more water for efficient output than a typical toilet can produce.

4. Cigarette Butts

Flushing a single cigarette butt wastes a lot of water, and it puts dangerous chemicals into your water supply. Put out butts in a fireproof container filled with sand or water, and dispose of them in the regular trash only when you're certain they are extinguished.

5. Kids’ Items

Educate your children about what should and shouldn't be flushed. They should never try to flush toothbrushes, bath toys, washcloths, sponges, or anything else they might encounter in the bathroom besides toilet paper. Talk to them about how important it is to conserve water and protect your home's plumbing.


If a flushed item has created a clog or backup, Notestone County Sanitary Services is here to help. Since 1956, they have been serving the Ross County, OH, area. They offer drain and septic pumping and septic tank cleaning and maintenance. Keep your wastewater systems clean and your home and family safe and healthy. Call (740) 772-1189 or visit them online to schedule pumping service.
