
When you live in a dorm or apartment without access to your own washer and dryer, you might be especially concerned about clothing stains. While you may not always be able to get to your laundromat right away, the guide below explores some immediate steps to take to stop unwanted substances from setting into the fibers. 

5 Tips for Cleaning the Worst Food Stains From Clothes 

1. Tannins 

A compound found in wine, coffee, tea, berries, tomatoes, and other foods, tannins are great for fighting bacteria and viruses. However, they also cause stubborn stains. If they get on your clothes, treat the spill accordingly: 

  • Wine: Leave baking soda and salt on it for 10 minutes before washing the spot with club soda. 

  • Coffee & Tea: Wash the clothing under hot water from your sink. Older stains may need to be treated with dishwashing soap or a spot remover. 

  • Tomatoes: Soak in a combination of cold water, baking soda, and white vinegar. Use stain remover as well, if necessary. 

  • Berries & Fruit: Apply a mixture of white vinegar and dishwashing soap to the stain. 

After taking these steps, wash any clothes with applicable labels in hot water for good measure once you get to a laundromat. 

2. Chocolate 

Though delicious, chocolate leaves unsightly brown stains on clothing. Pat the stain with a mixture of ammonia, dishwashing soap, and cold water. If it doesn't go away, soak it in a little hydrogen peroxide, let it sit for a few minutes, and then rinse the item. 

3. Peanut Butter 

laundromatWhen combined with celery, apples, and other treats, peanut butter is delicious. However, it also sticks easily. After scraping as much off of your clothing as you can, gently rub the stain with dishwashing soap. Then, wash the clothing in hot water at the laundromat. You may need a spot remover, too. 

4. Mustard 

No matter how tasty it is on hamburgers and hot dogs, don’t let mustard ruin your clothes with yellowish-brown stains. It usually comes off if you dab or scrape away the excess and then soak the clothing in cold water and bleach. 

5. Butter or Grease 

While useful for cooking a wide variety of foods, butter and grease are difficult to get out of clothing. In most cases, rubbing it with dishwashing soap or an alcohol solution—like rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer—will get rid of it. Later, wash it normally with the rest of your laundry. 


Anytime you need a laundromat to clean your clothes, visit City Laundry in Lincoln, NE. Since 2004, their affordable, high-quality coin-operated washers and dryers have been prepared to handle any grime that comes into contact with your clothing and other fabric belongings. The machines can also fit large loads so that you can work quickly and efficiently. Learn more about their offerings online. For details, call them today at (402) 483-2113.
