It can be frustrating as a parent to know what is exactly right for your child. You are responsible for the health and happiness of this tiny human being.  Therefore, it is no wonder that many parents find themselves torn between whether or not to vaccinate their child.  This blog says it can harm your child, that blog says its child abuse not to! How is a parent supposed to decide?!  Why are they important? What will happen if I do not vaccinate my child?
Vaccinations not only protect your child from deadly diseases, such as polio, tetanus, and diphtheria, but they also keep other children safe by eliminating or greatly decreasing dangerous diseases that used to spread from child to child such as measles and chicken pox.  A vaccine is a dead, or weakened version, or part of the germ that causes the disease in question. When children are exposed to a disease in vaccine form, their immune system, which is the body's germ-fighting machine, is able to build up antibodies that protect them from contracting the disease when they are exposed to the actual disease. 
BCMC supports parents in making the decision to vaccinate their child.  Our clinic provides vaccines and has procedures in place to keep you and your child safe during the current Pandemic—Covid-19 should not be a barrier to obtaining vaccinations for your precious little one.  Our staff is here to help, and will gladly answer any of your questions as you navigate the minefield known as parenting.