
Missing teeth diminish the look of your smile, but they can also impact oral function. In this case, dental implants are a great option. They mimic the look and function of natural teeth, as well as offering numerous other benefits to patients. If you’re considering implants, this guide explains what to expect from the process. 

Prepping the Area

Before getting started, your dentist will conduct an initial evaluation to determine whether you’re a good candidate for implant surgery. Good candidates are those that have good oral and general health, and who are willing to care for their teeth in the proper manner once the implant is in place. The dentist will also need to determine whether your underlying jawbone is healthy enough to receive the implant. For the best results, the implant must fuse with the bone to ensure it’s viable. 

If there are concerns about the health of jawbone tissue, a bone graft may be needed. In this case, you’ll need to wait for the bone graft procedure to heal before moving on to the implant procedure. If there are tooth fragments remaining where the implant will be placed, they’ll also need to be removed. 

Inserting the Implant

The titanium rod, which makes up the base of the implant, is set directly into the healthy jawbone. Proper integration of the rod and the jawbone is a must for a successful procedure, so you’ll have to wait weeks or even months to assess healing. 

dental implantsThe abutment, which is where the artificial tooth is attached, can be placed during the insertion of the titanium rod, or it can occur once the rod has fused jawbone. Once the artificial tooth is placed, the abutment is concealed and the artificial tooth will blend in with the rest of your teeth. 

Tips on Aftercare

Some discomfort and swelling are normal after dental implant surgery. These effects can usually be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers and ice packs. You’ll also be encouraged to adopt a post-surgery diet consisting of soft foods, like yogurt and applesauce. 

Because smoking can impact healing, it’s best to abstain until the implant site completely heals. It’s also important to brush and floss as you would normally, as this will decrease your risk of infection. Just exercise caution around the surgical site. 


If you still have questions about dental implants, an experienced dental clinic can help. With more than 25 years of experience treating patients throughout Waterloo, IL, Beard & Holmen LTD has a reputation for kind and caring dental service. In addition to preventative care, they also perform restorative procedures like implants and root canals. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Darryll Beard or Dr. Charles Holmen by calling (618) 939-7181. You can also see their full listing of dental services online
