
Whether you’ve got an upcoming bar outing planned or you just want to step out of your comfort zone at a friendly lounge, karaoke can help you come out of your shell. Getting over stage fright and impressing your friends can seem intimidating, but there are a few ways you can boost your performance and confidence. Below are some tips to try before your big night.

How to Improve Your Karaoke Skills

1. Practice at Home

If you know you’ve got a karaoke night coming up, practice some songs at home first. You’ll feel more confident when you’re sure that you know all the words, know the right pitches, and have a few loosely-planned dance moves to use. You can also practice in front of friends or family, so you get used to performing in front of others beforehand. Practice a little each day, and it’ll be a breeze to perform when the night comes.

2. Loosen Up a Little

karaokeIf you’re too nervous and not enjoying yourself, it will be evident in your performance and can make those watching feel awkward, too. When it’s your turn, try to get into the song, dance around a bit, and don’t worry about being embarrassed. You’re there to have fun, and the more energy and fun you have while performing, the more everyone will enjoy it. If it helps, have a small amount to drink before you perform, but be careful not to overdo it as too much alcohol can make your voice rough.

3. Choose Your Songs Wisely

Your song choice is one of the most influential aspects of how others will remember your performance. While you want something that people will recognize and enjoy, it shouldn’t be overdone or played out—but you also don’t want songs that no one knows, as they’ll lose interest. Make sure whatever song you choose fits your vocal range and isn’t too repetitive, and make sure that you know the words to all of the parts, not just the chorus.

4. Stay Hydrated & Breathe Deep

A dry throat is a singer’s worst enemy, causing cracks in your voice and strain on your vocal cords. Be sure to start drinking water a day in advance to keep them lubricated and prevent soreness. You should also make sure you’re breathing properly during your performance—taking deep breaths that expand your stomach and propel your voice out of you. This keeps you from getting breathless or breathing too quickly, which can also lead to dryness and difficulties performing.


If you’re ready to take on karaoke night, The Office Lounge in Foley, AL, offers a welcoming, laid-back environment with a well-stocked bar, and you get a discount on drinks for each song you perform. Their lounge cocktails include classic mixers, local and international beers, and coveted bottles of wine. Other entertainment options include pool, shuffleboard, and darts. Browse their drink selection online, and call (251) 970-0043 to ask about the singing schedule.
