
These days, business owners can’t be too careful about germs. Since the onset of COVID-19, companies have been concerned about how to keep their doors open while protecting the health of employees and customers. Fortunately, there are several effective steps you can take towards preventing germs in the office, including making policy changes and investing in office cleaning services. 

How to Prevent Germs at the Office

1. Disinfect High-Touch Surfaces

There are several areas of your business that multiple people touch each day. From light switches and doorknobs to the handle on the break room microwave, it pays to disinfect these high-touch surfaces.

Go through your office and clean surfaces that more than one person would touch to prevent germ transmission. This could include the copy machine, elevator buttons, office doorknobs, and even the receptionist’s stapler. Consider using a cleaner like Microban24®, which has been shown to continue to kill coronavirus for up to 24 hours when left in place on a solid surface. Encourage team members to make office cleaning a priority by keeping their areas tidy and sanitized.

2. Hire Professional Cleaners for Deep-Cleaning

office cleaningGerms can spread throughout the office quickly, so talk with a janitorial services team about doing deep office cleaning throughout the week. Consider having the space professionally cleaned nightly or weekly to eliminate germs that may be lurking in places you may have missed. These professionals can also shine windows, vacuum carpets, and empty garbages, making your office beautiful and comfortable for employees and visiting guests and clients.

3. Encourage Sick Employees to Stay Home

While it may not be ideal to have some of the workforce at home, it could prevent new germs from finding their way into the office. Talk with employees about the signs and symptoms of common illnesses, especially COVID-19, and ask them to stay home if they believe they’re getting sick.

Create a protocol for reporting illness and working from home. Consider creating more accommodating sick day policies so employees aren’t financially punished for staying home and keeping others well. 


Create a safer and more comfortable office by trusting the office cleaning team at Compass Cleaning Solutions. Based in Tempe, AZ, these professionals are committed to disinfecting and dusting surfaces, cleaning windows, and tidying up. They can even take care of post-construction cleanup if you’ve recently renovated your office space. Learn more about their commitment to cleaning by visiting their website. Call (602) 606-7900 for more information.
