
A well-maintained furnace is invaluable when winter arrives. These appliances require regular care throughout the season to avoid common issues. Many can be easily fixed when caught early. Below is a guide to several problems homeowners experience, including what to do and how to prevent them.

What Issues Do Furnaces Experience?

1. Poor Circulation

If air is struggling to circulate in your ducts, it can mean that the air filter is dirty. Debris collects and restricts airflow. This results in poor air circulation. Fix the problem by replacing the filters at the entrances and exits of your ductwork.

Poor circulation could also be due to a damaged blower or motor. This results from poor maintenance and increased strain. The blower’s motor may wear down by trying to push air through a dirty filter or not being lubricated. Blower repair requires experience and is always best left to a furnace maintenance professional. Prevent blower damage by checking and replacing filters each month and scheduling a tune-up once a year.

2. No Hot Air

furnaceFirst, check that the pilot light is lit. If not, hold a wand lighter over the opening until the flame catches. Wait and see if the furnace produces warm air. There may be an issue with the heat exchanger if it doesn’t. 

The heat exchanger heats up and warms passing air. See if the metal is cracked or damaged—this is common from overuse and neglect. This component usually lasts between 10-20 years, so if it’s showing signs of wear well before that timeline, then it’s best to schedule an inspection.

There may also be a problem with the thermostat. It won’t communicate with the furnace if there is a broken connection or if it’s not calibrated correctly. It’s difficult to detect these electrical problems without experience, so contact a professional.

3. Smells & Noises

A noisy, smelly furnace is a result of various causes. A rotten egg smell is the most concerning—it’s the sign of a gas leak. This may be from a damaged pipe or valve or a broken heat exchanger. Regardless, combustible carbon monoxide is toxic to breathe and could result in a fire. Turn off the gas and vacate the area until professionals arrive.

Scraping sounds may be related to worn out ball bearings, while booming and squealing could be related to the motor or ductwork. It’s best to schedule a complete system inspection. A technician will inspect the components and then seal and lubricate parts so they run efficiently.


Contact Inman Heating & Cooling if you’re overdue for a furnace inspection. These professionals serve Southern Illinois and have 50 years of experience with heating and air conditioner maintenance. They also handle furnace and A/C installation, which you can learn about on their website. Call (618) 281-5355 to schedule a consultation.
