
Many children are learning online instead of in a schoolroom this fall. To ensure your kids succeed with this different experience, you’ll need to work closely with them. Every aspect of their learning environment, including children’s furniture, will play a role. Here are a few tips to help them stay on track.

How to Assist Your Child With Online Learning

1. Establish a Schedule

Your child will likely find it easier to manage homework, studying, and personal activities when everything is scheduled within a normal school day. Designate a time to wake up, eat breakfast, and begin online learning modules. Include a few breaks, like an hour of recess outside, lunch, and snack or nap time, depending on their age.

Just make sure the breaks don’t involve anything too distracting like video games or TV. The goal is to create an experience that mimics school as much as possible.

2. Create a Dedicated Workspace

children's furnitureTo keep your child engaged throughout the day, give them a dedicated learning space. Move the children’s furniture to a home office or dining room to get your child in “school mode.” As long as it’s a quiet space away from toys, TV, and anything else that might be distracting, your child will associate the space with learning.

It's also easier to stay organized at a clutter-free desk. Purchase a model with drawers in which they can store their school supplies, papers, and books.

3. Explore Ways to Engage

Your child must continue to socialize to replicate the in-person school experience. Encourage them to use chatrooms and video calls with classmates.

Also, stay in touch with their teacher and set up online meetings to discuss their progress and receive guidance on improving the online learning experience. 


If you’re looking for productive children’s furniture, explore the selection at Flexa® Hawaii. This Honolulu company carries many premium products, including loft beds, mattresses, and kids’ bookshelves. Browse their inventory on their website or Facebook. Call (808) 955-4434 to speak with a sales associate.
