
Bruxism is a medical condition that pediatric dentists deal with regularly. Children diagnosed with bruxism tend to grind their teeth and clench their jaws, and while it may not seem like a major problem, it creates various dental issues. Luckily, there are treatment options, so parents need to understand when it’s time to get their children the care they need.

The Risks of Childhood Bruxism

Two to three out of every 10 children will deal with bruxism at some point. While the exact cause of this condition is still unknown, experts say that children are most likely to grind their teeth and clench their jaw when they enter deep sleep phases or are experiencing stress.

Some children experience headaches and earaches caused by the pressure of clenching their jaws. In more severe cases, frequent teeth grinding can wear down the tooth enamel, which makes the teeth more susceptible to cavities.

Loss of enamel also increases tooth sensitivity to hot and cold substances and acidic foods and drinks. Other concerns include chipped teeth, facial pain, and jaw problems, such as temporomandibular disorder (TMJ).

Treatment Options for Bruxism

Pediatric DentistYour child’s dentist may recommend splints and mouthguards to deal with teeth grinding. These keep the upper and lower teeth separate and prevent damage. Other treatment options include reshaping the chewing surfaces of the teeth and adding crowns to repair damage and reduce sensitivity, but these solutions are generally only implemented in the most serious cases.

Outside of a pediatric dentist’s help, there are other ways to treat bruxism. Since one of the causes is stress, your child might need anxiety management training from a licensed therapist. Muscle relaxants have also been prescribed in certain cases. These medications are taken prior to sleep to relax the jaw and prevent clenching.

There are also various medications used to treat depression and anxiety. This kind of medicine helps children deal with stress and cut back on the amount of grinding. Medical prescription treatments are usually designed to be short-term, however, and are often used in conjunction with other solutions.


Contact the dental experts at Alaska Dentistry for Kids if your child is dealing with bruxism. Their team of pediatric dentists in Anchorage has the experience and technology needed to help reverse this condition and keep your child’s mouth safe and healthy. They provide treatment in a friendly, compassionate environment and help kids build healthy lifelong habits. Visit their website to learn more about their services or schedule an appointment by calling (907) 274-2525.