
Termites are tiny pests that can cause tremendous damage. While infestations are usually associated with residential properties, they can also occur in commercial structures, like office buildings. Knowing where to look for them will help you detect them early or stop them from invading altogether. Here are a few places you should check.

Where Might Termites Be Hiding in My Office?

1. Insulation

Most buildings have insulation in the walls; however, it must be installed properly to reduce the likelihood of a pest infestation. Termites can easily penetrate the material if it’s installed near or in direct contact with the soil. Insulation provides pests with food and water to survive since it’s close to wood and can retain moisture. Additionally, bugs can easily tunnel through the insulation since it’s pliable.

2. Storage Spaces 

termiteTermites don’t just eat wood; they eat paper as well. Even with the prevalence of technology, many offices still need to store paper files. Unfortunately, keeping papers stored on-site may provide an attractive buffet for pests, particularly if these items are stored in a dark, damp space.

3. Siding

Similar to insulation, the office building’s siding can attract bugs if it was installed below grade level or in direct contact with the soil. The termites can infiltrate the space between the siding and foundation, then enter the building. These types of infestations are particularly tricky to spot since the siding hides the bugs.


If you think termites are in the office, turn to the team at Dick’s Fumigation Services in Wailuku, HI. These professional exterminators offer a range of organic pest control solutions to prevent and address infestations. If a treatment is needed, they’ll return periodically to reapply it and keep bugs away. Get more information about their services online, or call (808) 244-7496 to schedule an appointment.
