
If you have dogs, it’s important to schedule occasional dog teeth cleanings at an animal hospital. Your furry friends have oral health needs much like your own, and overlooking them can cause serious problems down the road. If you need help getting started, here’s a useful guide. 

What Are Common Oral Health Issues for Dogs?

Dogs are vulnerable to many of the same dental issues as humans, including decayed teeth and inflamed gums. If left unchecked, such problems can cause permanent damage like tooth loss.

Since missing teeth can make it hard for dogs to maintain a balanced diet, dental issues can cause secondary problems like nutritional deficiencies. Dogs can also develop cysts and tumors in their mouth, which may become malignant over time. 

Signs of Dental Issues In Dogs 

animal dental careIf you know the earliest signs of oral health trouble, you can arrange for prompt treatment and prevent more serious complications. Persistent bad breath, inflamed gums, excessive drooling, and poor appetite are some of the most common signs of trouble. Loose teeth and strange lumps in the gums or under the tongue also call for a thorough exam. 

Ways to Care for Your Dog’s Smile

You can protect your pup’s pearly whites by brushing their teeth a few times a week using a veterinarian-approved brush and paste. These dog teeth cleanings not only protect your pooch's oral health, but also make their breath more pleasant. Limit your dog’s consumption of table scraps, which can stick to the teeth and promote the growth of bacteria.

Finally, schedule annual wellness visits at an animal hospital. During these appointments, the veterinarian will examine the mouth and address any minor oral health issues before they cause major problems. 


The team at Animal Health Center in Enterprise, AL, is equipped to provide thorough dog teeth cleaning for your furry friend. For more than half a century, this animal hospital been giving exceptional oral health care to cats and dogs. A full-service practice, they also offer preventive care, surgical procedures, boarding, and grooming. To make an appointment, reach out on their website, or call (334) 347-0544.
