
You must keep your dog up-to-date on pet vaccinations to protect them from diseases. When you have to leave your furry friend at a boarding facility, there are some shots that may be required to prevent the spread of contagious diseases. Though each kennel has its own regulations, here are a few immunizations that many facilities require.

What Pet Vaccinations to Give Your Dog Before Boarding

1. Rabies

Any infected mammal can transmit rabies through a bite. The virus can cause headaches, hallucinations, paralysis, and severe lack of appetite and dehydration, all of which can lead to death.

Most municipalities require pet vaccinations for rabies. Your pup might need a new shot every one to three years.


This powerhouse of a shot helps your furry friend avoid Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, and Parainfluenza. These contagious illnesses attack several systems throughout the body, causing vomiting, seizures, and potentially death.

Your dog needs a DHPP shot every one to two years to stay protected.

3. Bordetella

pet vaccinationsThese bacteria lead to kennel cough, a dry and whooping cough that can spread between dogs in close quarters. While the condition itself is not fatal, it can lead to life-threatening symptoms, including gagging, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

Puppies require the vaccine between the ages of 6 to 8 weeks, followed by boosters at 10 to 12 weeks. Dogs who frequently come in contact with other pets require annual shots.

4. Canine Flu

Canine flu has similar symptoms to human flu. Your dog may experience a runny nose, persistent cough, and high fever. The condition is highly contagious among dogs.

There are vaccines available to protect against two strains of the flu.

5. Leptospirosis

This bacterial disease can present no symptoms or cause fever, lethargy, abdominal pain, vomiting, jaundice, and kidney failure. Dogs can contract the disease if they come into contact with an infected animal’s urine or water bowl.

While the condition is curable with antibiotics, keep your dog safe with annual vaccinations. 


If you need to schedule pet vaccinations, the veterinarians at Countryside Veterinary Service will give your dog expert care and attention. The multi-location animal clinic provides services for animals both large and small across northeastern Ohio and northwestern Pennsylvania. They will assess your dog’s risk factors to determine the best immunization schedule. Visit them online to learn more about preventive care.
