
Cosmetic dentistry techniques often fix misaligned and crowded teeth. For teenagers, however, the typical braces and retainers might not be desirable options. Invisalign® serves as a highly effective alternative for straightening teeth — especially for image-conscious teenagers.

Why Invisalign Is Ideal for Teens

1. Invisible Treatment

Because Invisalign trays are clear, they’re almost invisible. Teens won’t have to worry about how their dental treatments make them look while interacting with their peers. 

This can be especially beneficial when taking photos for homecoming or senior portraits. Without visible braces, teens won’t feel self-conscious about how they look, so they can go about their day with confidence. 

2. No Food Restrictions

cosmetic dentistryBraces and retainers often require users to avoid eating certain foods that could get caught in the wires. This can create awkward social situations when a teen can’t eat their favorite foods with their friends.

Invisalign doesn’t have these restrictions. Users can take out their aligners before meals or snacks so they can eat whatever they want. Just remember that teeth should be cleaned before the Invisalign trays are put back in.

3. No Activity Limitations

Whether your teen is involved with a sports team or musical theater, Invisalign won’t interfere with their favorite activities. While braces could affect a student’s ability to play certain musical instruments or pose an injury risk while playing sports, Invisalign trays can be removed before these activities. Because Invisalign straighteners are so discreet, users can even leave them in and speak without any issues.


From cosmetic dentistry solutions to crowns and bridges, you and your teen can count on North Chautauqua Dental PC. Serving Dunkirk, NY, since 1980, their team of dentists provides compassionate care for patients of all ages and is also available to help with dental emergencies. To learn more about their cosmetic dentistry services, visit them online or call (716) 366-6822.
