
Fall is the best time to get your home’s furnace prepared for the colder weather of winter. When serviced by a professional furnace repair technician, this essential device will ensure your household will have reliable warmth on those chilly Santa Fe nights. Here are a few more reasons why it pays to schedule furnace maintenance in the fall.

Why You Should Schedule Furnace Maintenance in the Fall

1. Extends Lifespan

Regular maintenance can extend the lifespan of your furnace. Depending on the brand, most appliances are designed to last up to 20 years. However, the key is scheduling routine checkups to spot potential furnace repair issues.

A fall maintenance appointment will typically include a thorough checkup of the burners, heat exchangers, blowers, thermostats, and other parts. This can prevent your furnace from working harder than necessary with faulty components that will reduce its longevity. 

2. Cuts Down on Repairs

furnace repairOne of the worst times to experience a furnace breakdown is on a frigid winter night. You can avoid this inconvenient scenario by scheduling a maintenance visit in the fall.

An experienced technician will be able to pinpoint minor issues before they become costly furnace repairs. They’ll also perform some preventative maintenance tasks to keep the appliance running smoothly and save you money on expensive fixes. 

3. Lowers Energy Bills

When a furnace isn’t running properly, it’s forced to work harder than necessary to keep your home warm. The additional pressure on the device and its components can raise your monthly energy bills significantly.

Routine maintenance in the fall can help reduce the cost of heating your household. Instead of running on faulty or worn parts, your furnace will have the necessary components to operate efficiently while keeping energy bills down. 


Be proactive and ensure your home’s furnace offers long-term comfort by scheduling routine maintenance. Glorieta Creek Mechanical in Santa Fe, NM, is the trusted specialist to call for superior furnace repair, maintenance, and installation services. The team of licensed technicians understands the region’s unique elevation levels and how they impact furnace forces. Call (505) 757-8872 to schedule your fall furnace maintenance appointment. Visit the website for details on other heating options, including mini-split ductless systems, boilers, and forced air systems. 
