
If you are a dog owner, you likely have a privacy fence around your yard to protect your pet and keep them from getting out. Unfortunately, if your furry friend loves to dig, they may excavate the area to try and escape. However, this behavior often has an underlying cause, and you can prevent it with some diligence. Below are a few of the best strategies for doing this.

How to Keep a Dog From Digging Under a Privacy Fence

1. Work on Separation Anxiety

When a dog experiences separation anxiety, they will often develop destructive behavior. If you leave them alone in the yard, they might start barking and pacing while waiting for your return. After some time, they may start digging under the fence to find a quicker way back to you. 

To correct this behavior, try to solve the cause of their anxiety. For example, if you adopted the dog, they may have experienced an abandonment in the past. You can teach them to tolerate being alone by helping them associate your leaving with positive events, such as getting a treat. 

2. Lower Their Prey-Drive

privacy fenceCertain breeds of dogs—including terriers, hounds, and Weimaraners—instinctively want to hunt. If they sense prey hiding under the ground or beyond a fence, they will naturally start digging to hunt it down. 

It can be challenging to teach a dog not to hunt, but it can keep you both safe. Initially, keep your dog on a leash while outside, and take them to areas without much wildlife so that they do not feel the need to hunt. If they do react to prey, redirect their attention with treats and praise. As they adapt to the changes, increase their time outside and decrease their time on a leash when in your backyard.

3. Provide Stimulation

When dogs are bored, they will find a way to entertain themselves. If you leave them alone in the backyard with nothing to do, you may find numerous pits in the ground—including an escape route under your privacy fence. 

Give your dog plenty of physical and mental activities throughout the day so that they are less likely to transfer their energy to destructive behaviors, such as digging. When you leave, hide treats around the yard that they can find. When you return, take them on a long walk and play stimulating games—like fetch or tug-of-war—while practicing obedience training.


If a digging dog damages your privacy fence, A & B Fence can repair or upgrade it. For over 50 years, this family-owned and -operated fencing company has been providing commercial and residential fence installations and repairs to Licking County, OH. Their experts will help you decide on the best fence for your property and lifestyle. Call (740) 344-7943 to schedule an appointment. Visit the website to learn more about their products.
