
Getting out of bed and being ready for the rest of the day at an early hour is very tough to do. A lot of discipline, development and sheer will power is needed to make it become a habit. Everyone notices the early morning joggers, weightlifters or general early birds and usually thinks to themselves, “I want have that lifestyle, they have so much time on their hands.” Some have the natural ability to be up and ready while it takes others a little time to create a similar habit. Maybe you lack motivation and that’s totally fine, not everyone is the same. Some of you may not even be interested at all, but lets have an open mind. There is a ton of research and articles about why waking up early can be beneficial to your day. Keeping these ideas in your mind may give you the motivation or change your mind to at least tryout this lifestyle. Early morning routines are known for contributing to weight loss, better mentality and overall health. 

Weight loss and becoming physically fit have always been a huge focus in this world filled with passing fads or the next big weight loss tool. As a population, we are kind of obsessed with finding any way to lose weight, even if its not the healthiest alternative. Sometimes the old-fashion way or a tougher practice might be the way to go. Waking up in the morning is tough in itself. Having a routine to start or follow can be merciless for some, but we do these things because we want to better ourselves. Morning exercising has been found to contribute to weight loss by curbing our appetite and enhancing our metabolism. Eating less while feeling full is a good thing diminishes cravings and allows for our metabolism to pull the nutrients your body needs without leaving excess calories left over. 

Morning workouts have other valuable assets. Working out in the mornings can lift your spirits and your mental health. Everyone has gone through some sort of mental or spiritual low in their life. Many do not find a healthy way of solving or combating these lows. Having a morning routine workout could change that for you or others. During and after a workout your body creates and releases a little thing called endorphins. Endorphins generate a feeling of euphoria and pleasant feelings throughout the mind and body. Many say that the feeling can be compared to morphine. They help overpower our pain receptors giving us a relaxed calm sense of consciousness. This could help with whatever stressful problem or dilemma that has or is happening in your life. 

Overall there a many more reasons as to why waking up in the morning doing a workout can be a wholesome way to start your day. It may bring clarity to difficult choices, be more alert, learn and reinforce new and old characteristics. It may even help you sleep and get a full nights rest. It is a difficult thing to do but it is not impossible. It wont happen over night either. Give it time and effort you may see a positive change in your life. No one is perfect and everyone is different; any and everyone can give it a try. 

To find a fitness class that interests you, check out FYSIQ in Saint Louis, MO. Their expert instructor Misha Gutzler is excited to teach you about Bungee, dancing, and other ways to stay fit and healthy. Whether in private or in a group, you will still receive personalized attention to ensure that you’re making the progress you want. FYSIQ also offer classes for kids. For details, call them today at (314) 472-3052 or check out their website.
