
Most people will have to deal with a clogged pipe in their home or business at some point. The best way to do drain cleaning is to hire a professional to handle it. However, if you do decide to take on the task yourself, here are a few mistakes you should avoid to prevent matters from getting worse.

What Are the Worst Drain Cleaning Habits?

1. Using Drain Cleaners Excessively

Chemical drain cleaners are not effective at dissolving non-soluble or solid blockages like hair, food waste, and clumped paper. And pouring more down the drain won’t solve the issue. Some chemical drain cleaners contain caustic ingredients like hydrochloric acid that can eat away the  piping and make the clog worse.

2. Having the Wrong Type of Plunger

To clear a clog efficiently, you’ll need to use the right plunger for the job. Toilets require an accordion or flange plunger while sinks need a cupped one. Using a toilet plunger in your sink may cause dirty water to come out suddenly because of the sucking force. 

3. Improvising to Remove the Clog

drain cleaningWhen drain cleaners won’t do the trick, it’s time to use a snake or auger to remove the clog. But if you don’t have one at home, never improvise by using a long stick or straightening a clothes hanger as it causes more harm than good. Chances are it will get stuck somewhere in the pipes while fishing out the blockage. Or if the tool did reach the problem, it might only push the clog further down.

4. Blasting High-Pressure Water

While this blasting water at high pressure through your pipe could clear a clog, it could also cause it to rupture. This method is known as hydro-jetting and should be left to a professional who has the right tools and training to safely carry it out.


For the best results on drain cleaning, count on the professionals at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing in Chardon, OH. Since 1973, their highly skilled plumbers have provided top-notch plumbing services to homes and businesses across northeastern Ohio. Call (440) 286-6002 to schedule an appointment or learn more about why they are the preferred plumbing company online.
