
Residential water wells can provide an affordable, convenient, and eco-friendly means of accessing clean, naturally-filtered water. While they generally require little maintenance, like anything else, they will, at some point, need to be repaired. Below are several problems you might experience with a residential water well.

What Are Common Residential Water Well Issues?

1. Poor Water Quality 

If the water tastes different, appears cloudy, or contains sediment, such as sand or silt, it may indicate a low water table or clogged pump filter. Abrasive materials may also corrode the pump, making it difficult for the pump to filter the water properly. A residential water well technician can identify and address the problem, which may include replacing the pump. 

2. Lack of Water 

Water should readily appear when you turn on the faucet or shower. If it doesn’t, it may indicate a tripped circuit breaker. Flip the switch and see if this remedies the issue. If it doesn’t, there may be an issue with the switch.

A low water table can also cause a lack of water. During residential water well installation, a technician will ensure the hole is deep enough to provide steady access to groundwater. However, during a period of drought, the table can drop, and the pump may need to be lowered to access more water.

3. Low Pressure 

residential water wellPressure should be consistent throughout the home. If it wanes, it may indicate the pump is failing or clogged. There may be an issue with the pressure switch or tank, valves, or clogged piping.

If water is sputtering, on the other hand, it usually signals air in the system. This is typically a result of a cracked pipe, pump malfunction, or air mixing with water in the pressure tank.

4. Contamination 

Another issue is contamination, which can come from excessive minerals, chemical runoff, or waste. Because many wells are located in rural areas near farmland or livestock, agricultural runoff from manure, fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides can occur when rainwater causes contaminants to flow into the groundwater supply. 

Nitrates are of particular concern. Though they exist naturally in soil and are not harmful at low levels, the high concentration found in animal waste or fertilizers can be dangerous. This is one reason regular testing is a crucial part of water well maintenance. 


If you need help with a residential water well in Coffee County, AL, turn to John D. Hughes Wells & Pumps. Located in Enterprise, this water well service provider has served the community for more than 60 years, offering everything from installation to maintenance and repairs. Call (334) 347-9757 to speak with a helpful staff member to schedule an appointment with a technician or visit the website to learn more about their services.
