
Toothaches can cause dull or sharp pain. While some types of discomfort go away on their own, others require treatment from a dentist. If you experience chronic toothaches, learn more about their potential causes in the following guide.

Why Do Your Teeth Hurt?

1. Decay

Many factors contribute to decay, including excessive sugar consumption and neglected dental care. A cavity creates a hole in the tooth, allowing bacteria to sit.

Eventually, an untreated cavity can spread to the tooth pulp and roots. While decay in its early stages doesn’t hurt, discomfort could arise when it worsens. A dentist must clean the site and apply a filling to prevent complications.

2. Infection

dentistUnless a dentist treats the decay, it can become infected with bacteria and form an abscess.

An abscess is a type of infection that forms a pus-filled pocket at the root of the affected tooth. It can cause swelling, breathing problems, fever, bite-related pain, and nausea. A dentist must drain the sore and either clean and fill the decayed tooth or perform a root canal.

3. Injury

A sports injury, car accident, or other trauma can fracture the teeth. Biting down on a damaged tooth causes sensitivity.

Your dentist may be able to fix the crack with a bonding agent in mild cases. However, more serious damage typically requires a dental crown, which covers the entire tooth. Extraction is needed in cases of irreparable damage.

4. Bruxism

Tooth grinding, or bruxism, often happens at night while people sleep. It can also occur during the day, usually due to stress. Grinding puts pressure on the teeth, wearing down protective enamel and exposing the sensitive dentin underneath. Bruxism can also cause dull aches in the jaw and dental chips.

Dentists provide custom mouthguards that create barriers between the upper and lower jaw to prevent enamel damage. They also provide tips for minimizing discomfort, such as applying a warm compress to the jaw to relax the muscles.


If you have a persistent toothache, schedule an appointment at Four Corners Dental Group. With locations in Anchorage and Wasilla, AK, this dental care center offers a range of general, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry solutions. They focus on preventive services to strengthen teeth and prevent decay. Call (907) 258-3384 to discuss your needs, follow them on Twitter for updates, or visit them online for more information on their services.
