
Since you use your core to help with everything from lifting to bending over, back pain issues can seem all-encompassing. Back pain can make exercise, sleep, or even play with your children challenging, so understanding what causes it and how to treat it is so important. The following brief guide offers more information to help you.  

Understanding Ongoing Lower Back Pain

What Causes Lower Back Pain? 

Back pain can be caused by a long list of problems, including physical trauma to the back area, obesity, and even anatomical abnormalities present in the spine from birth. For instance, some people are born with abnormal spinal curvatures or issues with a tighter spinal column canal, creating back pain. 

The lower back is especially prone to problems since it is used heavily during bending, lifting, and even sitting. The lower back is under 90% more pressure when sitting than standing, which is why many people with desk jobs struggle with back pain. 

Which Treatments Can Help? 

back painFortunately, there are many treatments to help back pain. Exercise and weight loss can alleviate back pain since they reduce the load on your spine and strengthen your core muscles, supporting your back. Physical therapy is designed to help people strengthen their bodies, promoting natural healing. During physical therapy, professionals guide you through exercises designed to help your specific case of back pain, improving comfort. 

Another effective treatment for back pain is chiropractic care. Chiropractors make manual adjustments to the back and spine to relieve subluxations between the vertebrae that could impede movement, causing back pain. 

Back pain can also be treated with medications and treatments such as TENS therapy, which uses gentle electrical pulses to relax muscles. Some doctors even recommend injections to the back muscles or in targeted areas around the spine to provide pain relief.


If you are struggling with ongoing back pain, reach out to the team at Rosemount Chiropractic in Minnesota. Since their inception more than 42 years ago, these trusted medical professionals have helped patients with everything from physical therapy and chiropractic adjustments to nutritional counseling and acupuncture. Learn more about their comprehensive back pain treatment methods by visiting their website or giving their office a call at (651) 423-2251.
