
Home windows have a significant impact on comfort and efficiency. Sometimes, replacement windows are the best remodeling project, and it’s important to recognize when it’s time. New windows offer a variety of benefits, including increased value. Look for the following signs so you don’t put off this vital upgrade.

When to Purchase Replacement Windows

1. The Frames Are Damaged

Chipped and decayed frames aren’t repairable. It occurs from moisture, termites, and several other factors that warrant immediate replacement. Weakened frames create an entryway for pests and will also allow drafts to whistle through. When frames warp, you may not be able to close the windows entirely, which can make it easier for burglars to break in.

Consider premium vinyl replacement windows. These are rot-resistant and will better protect your home from the elements. You can purchase a shatter-resistant glass to prevent break-ins and premium locks to protect your home.

2. Condensation Forms Between Panes

replace windowsMulti-paned windows hold argon gas between the panes to better insulate your home. Damaged frames or cracks allow this gas to leak out. Condensation will form on the panes when hot air touches the cold glass.

You’ll also notice that the air around the window feels colder in winter and warmer in summer. Utility bills will increase over time, which is why replacement windows are a must. Superior insulation makes your home more comfortable.

3. There Is Increased Noise

Windows create a significant noise barrier. As they age, traffic and outdoor noises will be louder because the window insulation is failing. Noise can make it hard to concentrate and interrupt sleep.

Consider a new double- or triple-pane design. These use argon gas to muffle incoming sounds. Specialized soundproof windows can muffle noise but up to 95% so you’ll enjoy a more comfortable home.


If you’re looking for replacement windows, contact Alumaroll Awnings & Window Co., Inc. These professionals have served residents of Rochester, NY, and surrounding communities since 1946. They carry a large selection of premium products, including windows, patio enclosures, storm doors, and screens. Start exploring their inventory on their website or call (585) 544-2110.
