
Moving into your first apartment is an exciting experience, as you can personalize the space with home decor to make it your own. Depending on the items you pick, you can create a rustic, traditional feeling, or a modern, professional aesthetic. Below are some tips to help you feel at home in your new place.

How to Create a Comfortable Apartment

1. Look for Quality Pieces

When furnishing the home, you don’t need to buy the cheapest particleboard options you can find, even on a limited budget. For example, you can shop at thrift stores, estate sales, and flea markets for attractive, vintage pieces that use real wood. Often, the items here are a similar price to retail store options that are prefabricated. Remember, you don't have to purchase everything at once. Choosing home decor that appeals to you should be an ongoing process.

2. Use Mood Lighting

home decor Onalaska, WILighting is one of the most significant features in creating a cozy atmosphere. Avoid using the overhead lights whenever possible, and instead, utilize table lamps and accent lighting. By situating multiple small lamps around the room, you can adjust the brightness to your needs.

With fewer lights on, the place should feel cozier and softer. The flicker of candles and oil lamps further adds to the ambiance. Choose bulbs and lampshades that give off a warm glow, and use accent lights to highlight the most attractive features of a room.

3. Decorate the Walls

One of the best ways to make your apartment feel like home is to hang various designs, posters, and home decor on the walls. Frame photos that you like and arrange them in clusters. Also, look for interesting and attractive wall decor at gift shops, and if you have creative friends, hang pieces of their work.

Regardless of what you choose to hang, use the open wall space as a blank canvas for your personal style. You can decorate it with religious passages or artwork that appeals to you and reflects your favorite themes.


When you need home decor to give your new apartment a cozy feel, visit Treehouse Gift & Home, a popular gift shop in Onalaska, WI. They are locally owned and have been serving La Crosse County since 1988. They offer unique rugs, lanterns, wall decor, and novelties at reasonable prices. Visit the website to view their available products. Call (608) 433-7896 to ask about business hours.
