
Ankle pain typically occurs from sprains, or when the ankle twists or rolls to cause temporary ligament tears. Whether you sprained your ankle recently from physical activity or a simple misstep, it can cause lingering soreness. Here, review ways to relieve ankle pain and quicken the healing process.

How to Soothe Ankle Pain

1. Use the RICE Method

Reduce ankle pain and swelling with RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) instead of putting weight on it. Rest with it elevated above your heart to drain fluid, including while you sleep.

Apply ice to your ankle for 10 to 20 minutes at least every two hours to facilitate ligament and tendon healing while decreasing inflammation. Wrap your ankle using a compression sock or similar product when you aren’t icing it. Keep it on for the first day if not longer for best results.

2. Do Foot Soaks

ankle painRelax with Epsom salt foot soaks to relieve pain and swelling. A common folk remedy for centuries, Epsom salt soaks have been shown to reduce foot and ankle inflammation. Pour ½ a cup of the salt into a basin or bathtub with enough water to cover your feet and ankles. Soak for 15 to 30 minutes twice a week.

3. Increase Blood Flow With Heat

Place a heating pad or pack on the affected ankle for 15 to 20-minute intervals once the swelling has subsided, which is usually a few days after the injury. Applying heat while the ankle is still inflamed can cause further swelling that prolongs your recovery. Heat brings more blood to the ankle to help it heal while relaxing tense muscles.

4. Use Ankle Support Products

Support your ankle as it heals with a brace, sports tape, or bandage. Stabilizing your ankle prevents further injury and pain. Sports tape or other products also provide support when you start walking on the ankle again. Walking keeps the muscles, tendons, and ligaments strong and helps you heal faster once the swelling has gone down. 


If ankle pain continues, make an appointment at Eastern CT Foot Specialists. The podiatrists have served Norwich, North Windham, and the surrounding areas in Connecticut for over 25 years, providing treatments for foot, heel, and ankle pain. Contact the Norwich location by calling (860) 887-3538 or North Windham at (860) 456-9593 to schedule service. Visit the website for additional information. 
