
October is ADHD Awareness Month, so it’s the perfect time for parents and other family members to gain a deeper understanding of the effects this disorder may have on their loved ones. Emotional dysregulation is a core symptom that many individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder exhibit. By learning why this symptom occurs and what factors contribute to it, parents may be better equipped to help their children thrive.

What Is Emotional Dysregulation?

Emotional dysregulation causes a person to have an extremely negative emotional reaction to a seemingly minor issue or setback. The person may not have the ability to control the intensity of their feelings or the duration of their reaction.

The condition is not exclusive to those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but it’s a common symptom. The connection occurs because ADHD often impacts how the brain receives emotional signals. Instead of processing a problem or situation rationally, the person’s brain may receive signals that trigger an emotional response that's difficult to control.

Tips for Parents of Children With Emotional Dysregulation

adhdTry not to place blame or overreact when children with ADHD exhibit these emotional reactions. Shaming or punishing them may only compound their negative feelings.

Instead, try to get them to focus on something else that will add positivity to the situation. For example, you may practice deep breathing exercises or have them get up and run or dance. This redirects their energy and attention away from the negative feelings.

Additionally, helping them express their emotions may help them better understand and work through the situation. Ask them to name the emotion and rate its intensity on a scale of one to ten.

You might even use visuals that express different emotions to help them decide. The more they think through the situation and their reaction, the better equipped they may be to put the thoughts behind them.


If you’re looking for quality ADHD treatment options for your child, contact Fairbanks Psychiatric & Neurological Clinic in Alaska. The mental health center offers counseling, psychiatry, and neurology treatment options for a variety of conditions, from anxiety to PTSD. With over 30 years of service, the center employs a skilled and qualified team that offers treatment options tailored to each individual. Visit the website to see a full list of services. To request an appointment, call (907) 452-1739.
