
Having a fireplace in your home provides warmth, light, and a place to spend time with your family. However, a common chimney problem is that pests tend to find these spaces ideal for birthing their young, or even just getting warm. Here’s a look at the kind of pests that you may find in your chimney and how to keep them out.

Common Chimney Pests

If you hear rustling or scratching sounds, you may have a rodent in your chimney. Squirrels are skilled climbers and can easily sneak into chimneys. Rats can also potentially be the culprit, as they can squeeze through even smaller spaces to gain access. Lastly, raccoons may also use your chimney as a place to give birth.

Should you hear flapping or chirping sounds, you likely have birds in your chimney. They like to use the top of the smoke shelf to nest, or if you have a type of bird called a chimney swift, they nest along the vertical chimney liner.

How to Keep Pests Out

chimney problemTo avoid this chimney problem, there are a few ways to keep the pests out. In addition to regular chimney cleaning, the best solution is to install a chimney cap. Chimney caps are protective coverings that go over the top of your chimney and are usually made from steel or copper mesh. This will help keep larger pests like squirrels and birds out.

Make sure to also seal other smaller cracks and openings in and around your chimney to help prevent smaller pests, like rats, from squeezing in. Also, make it a habit to close the flue when you’re not using your chimney. This is another layer of security to prevent pests from entering your chimney and your home.


No matter your chimney problem, the experts at The Chimney Sweep in Kernersville, SC, can help. From fireplace repair to chimney maintenance, this company has the knowledge to keep your fireplace in great shape for years. Founded by a firefighter, this business has thrived since 1980 by providing quality workmanship and excellent customer service. Call them at (336) 993-8999 to schedule an appointment or visit them online to learn more about their services. 
